Find flexible side jobs in Potsdam
Zenjob in Potsdam
As the state capital of Brandenburg and in close proximity to the Berlin metropolitan region, Potsdam is an important location with a large selection of jobs. Zenjob has mini jobs, part-time jobs and student jobs in Potsdam in a variety of industries. Thanks to its large parks, Potsdam is also a beautiful area for relaxation.
Salary and wage levels in Potsdam
Wage levels in Potsdam and Brandenburg more broadly are lower than in Germany’s western states, but so is the cost of living. Employees in full-time work with an academic qualification earn €36,450 on average, while vocational qualifications bring in around €24,300.
Rents in Potsdam are therefore also higher than the average for Brandenburg. Despite this, many students and workers move to Potsdam because of its close proximity to Berlin.
Studying and working in Potsdam
Potsdam is a city of culture with a number of castles and museums, which are always looking for temporary staff for events and similar and which offer numerous summer jobs. The University of Potsdam and the University of Applied Sciences also make it an attractive city for students, with a campus at the Neues Palais in the Sanssouci city park. If you are looking for a job in the media industry, Brandenburg’s capital city is the place to be: both the broadcaster rbb and Babelsberg Film Studio are based here. Many well-known films and series are produced not only in Cologne and Mainz, but here too. Mini jobs in catering and gastronomy could provide initial insights for a new career.