Find flexible part-time jobs in Heidelberg
Zenjob in Heidelberg
This city on the Neckar in Baden-Württemberg, along with Mannheim and Ludwigshafen am Rhein, is part of the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. Since 2020, Zenjob has been matching jobseekers from the university town with a diverse range of part-time jobs as cashiers, stock replenishers, promoters etc.
Salary and wage levels in Heidelberg
Baden-Württemberg is one of the most prosperous states in Germany, with a wage level second only to that of Hesse. Employees earn €48,900 a year on average. After completing their studies, graduates can earn an average of €50,100, and professionals who have successfully completed their vocational training can earn €33,400. Rents in Heidelberg are higher than average for Baden-Württemberg, but not as high as, for example, in Stuttgart. However, it is still a good idea for students to have a temporary or part-time job to cover their costs. Well-paid full-time jobs are the norm in Heidelberg, but mini jobs are also well paid by Baden-Württemberg standards.
Studying and working in Heidelberg
The famous Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg is the oldest in Germany, attracting scientists and students from all quarters. In fact, students make up around a quarter of Heidelberg’s population. The famous university also has one of the state’s oldest private universities (SRH University).
The major chemicals firm BASF has its headquarters not far from Heidelberg, in Ludwigshafen, and the world-renowned IT company SAP is located in Walldorf. The city centre also offers a number of potential jobs in tourism, catering and retail. The locations for part-time jobs are varied, which is exactly what makes finding a job here so exciting.