Find flexible side jobs in Augsburg
Zenjob in Augsburg
The Bavarian city of Augsburg is one of the oldest cities in Germany and the only German city with a public holiday of its own. Zenjob has been matching jobseekers with companies since July 2020, recruiting for the best part-time jobs in a flexible and straightforward way. Jobseekers in Augsburg may be interested in the temporary jobs and mini jobs available in the city’s grocery stores/food retailers, for example, for interesting insights into that particular industry. Zenjob enables you to get the flexibility you need when choosing working hours.
Salary and wage levels in Augsburg
In Bavaria, annual salaries are about €47,300 on average. University graduates typically earn a starting salary of around €48,500. Trainees/apprentices, meanwhile, earn an average of €32,300 at the start of their careers. Renting in Augsburg is relatively expensive compared to many other parts of Germany, although less so (and even below average) for Bavaria, if compared with Munich and Nuremberg .
Studying and working in Augsburg
Despite existing since ancient times, Augsburg’s cultural centres actually stem from a wide range of different eras. Augsburg is an important location for industry in the south of Germany and, alongside Munich, also relevant in terms of infrastructure. Being known for its traditional breweries too, Augsburg really can offer jobseekers a very diverse range of sectors in which to seek part-time and side jobs. In terms of choosing a study programme, the University of Augsburg and the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences also have a very diverse offering.