One certificate, two jobs: 15€ on top

Extend your job selection with the certificate of good conduct

Get it now

Unlock more responsible jobs with the certificate of good conduct

For some jobs, it is necessary to submit a certificate of good conduct. This can be particularly important for work in certain security-relevant areas. Fortunately, it’s easy to get your certificate, because you can apply for it online. It only takes a few clicks. Here you will find all the necessary information on how and where to get your certificate of good conduct.

Your commitment, our expenses

We want to offer you as many options as possible on the job market, which is why you will get a bonus¹ of 15€ from 15.12.2022. You can use it to pay for the costs of applying for the certificate. All you have to do is follow these simple steps:

  • 1. Apply for a certificate of good conduct

    We created an overview of how and where you can get your certificate of good conduct: To the overview.

  • 2. Upload your certificate of good conduct

    If you have received your certificate of good conduct or already have one that is not older than 3 months, you can upload it directly in your app under “Profile” > “Trainings & Equipment” > “Document upload”.

  • 3. Work 2 jobs in the following fields

    Our special offer is valid in Aachen, Berlin, Brandenburg, Cologne, Dortmund, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt am Main, Halle, Hamburg, Hanover, Karlsruhe, Leipzig, Mainz, Mannheim, Munich, Münster, Nuremberg, Offenbach am Main, Potsdam and Stuttgart for all shifts with these companies: DHL, Rudolph General Solutions, Trans-o-flex, HANDELSHOF KÖLN Stiftung & Co. KG Betriebsstätte Köln-Müngersdorf, ASB, Deutsches Jugendherbergenwerk, Transgourmet, DPD, Fedex Express, fief e.V., Fiege Logistik, Globus Markthalle Duisburg, Hermes, Hermes Einrichtungs Service, Kühne + Nagel, Malteser, Manufactum, Media Markt, myToys, Rhenus Archiv Services, Saturn, SOS-Kinderdorf Deutschland e.V., Vielfalt Menü. After you have uploaded your certificate of good conduct to us, you need to work two shifts in the above-mentioned areas within 60 days, from 15.12.2022.

  • All done?

    Then you will get the bonus of 15€ after the expiration of the promotional period with the next remaining salary.

What are you waiting for?

Get your certificate of good conduct now and discover many new jobs!

Get it here

Terms and conditions

¹ Our promotion is valid in Aachen, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Cologne, Dortmund, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Essen Frankfurt am Main, Halle, Hamburg, Hanover, Karlsruhe, Leipzig, Mainz, Mannheim, Munich, Münster, Nuremberg, Offenbach am Main, Potsdam and Stuttgart for all shifts at these companies: DHL, Rudolph General Solutions, Trans-o-flex, HANDELSHOF KÖLN Stiftung & Co. KG Betriebsstätte Köln-Müngersdorf, ASB, Deutsches Jugendherbergenwerk, Transgourmet, DPD, Fedex Express, fief e.V., Fiege Logistik, Globus Markthalle Duisburg, Hermes, Hermes Einrichtungs Service, Kühne + Nagel, Malteser, Manufactum, Media Markt, myToys, Rhenus Archiv Services, Saturn, SOS-Kinderdorf Deutschland e.V., Vielfalt Menü. The shifts must take place within 60 days from the day the certificate of good conduct is uploaded, starting from December 15, 2022. Only Talents who first uploaded their certificate of good conduct starting December 15, 2022 are eligible to participate. Training shifts are excluded from the bonus program. If all promotion conditions are met, we will transfer the bonus to you with your next pay slip. Please note that the bonus is the gross amount.
During the promotion period you can also participate in other Zenjob bonus promotions. Please note that you are responsible for the amount of your total monthly income, especially if you have family insurance or receive BAföG. Furthermore, a payment does not establish any further future claims of the employee against Zenjob SE.