Graphic Designer Majken talks about the Future of Work

The Future of Work is what we make of it. That’s why we talk to our colleagues on a regular basis. We want to know what their everyday working lives are like, what they expect from the world of work, and how they imagine the working world of tomorrow. What role does well thought-out branding for the future of a company play? As a bonus, we also get very personal insights into the everyday lives of our colleagues. Read all about them and their views on the Future of Work in these interviews.
Majken is one of our talented Graphic Designers at Zenjob. Having joined only recently, she brings a widespread experience in different fields of design and brand marketing to the team. What kind of work environment does she value most and how important is creating a sustainable brand for the future of work?
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I actually had to ask my mom. As far as I can remember, it was the desire to be and work as a creative, which my mother confirms.
What has changed and how did you end up, where you are now?
Obviously not much has changed, except that I no longer use Microsoft Paint for doodling 😉
As a child and still as an adult, I find the ability to create something by oneself very fascinating. It brings me a lot of joy to see my own creations being published, used, shared and enjoyed. Even more so when they also inspire or motivate others.
On the professional side I started my career working for “classic” branding/marketing Agencies. Later I deep dived into product and digital design (UX/UI), then back to branding/marketing, but now as an in-house designer. On top of that, I have also taken on other responsibilities where I felt my creative and structured thinking would be a strong asset, e.g. in process development, project planning, client/partner relations, etc.
All of this has not only brought me a wealth of various experiences. It has also given me a 360-overview of how initial ideas end up as final results. Including what it takes to successfully get there, which has proven to be very valuable in my current profession.
You have just recently joined Zenjob: What was especially important to you when you were looking for a new employer?
It was important to join an inspiring company, powered by great people with a well-organised framework, that enables creative freedom and flexibility.
How do rebranding and shaping the future of work go together? How important is branding for a company in your opinion?
Rebranding is a method and a way of (re)defining core company elements that will act as the foundation and guideline for all later efforts. The outcome is the brand itself, which can be seen as the identity and personality of a company – the voice and face – the storyteller.
As brands can influence the way we think, talk and act, it’s extremely important – in all aspects – to build a sustainable, authentic, trustworthy and cohesive brand. As well as creating awareness and positive perception in the minds of the audience.
Not only does the brand play an important role in the success of a company and can impact our future ways of working. It could actually turn out that “Zenjob” becomes a future synonym for side jobs.

You have just recently joined Zenjob: What was especially important to you when you were looking for a new employer?
It was important to join an inspiring company, powered by great people with a well-organised framework, that enables creative freedom and flexibility.
How do rebranding and shaping the future of work go together? How important is branding for a company in your opinion?
Rebranding is a method and a way of (re)defining core company elements that will act as the foundation and guideline for all later efforts. The outcome is the brand itself, which can be seen as the identity and personality of a company – the voice and face – the storyteller.
As brands can influence the way we think, talk and act, it’s extremely important – in all aspects – to build a sustainable, authentic, trustworthy and cohesive brand. As well as creating awareness and positive perception in the minds of the audience.
Not only does the brand play an important role in the success of a company and can impact our future ways of working. It could actually turn out that “Zenjob” becomes a future synonym for side jobs.

The working world is ever changing. Which change do you want to see in the upcoming years? Is there anything you would like to change concerning the way we organize and perceive work?
One size does not fit all. In a world where we’re fighting for the right to be different and yet be treated equally as individuals, our future ways of working should be based on cultivating close collaborations while supporting individual needs.
Interesting, right? You might also want to read about Will’s point of view on the Future of Work.